Bee friendly...

Newsletter July 2016
It is recurring news... the bees are doing very badly and apparently the Netherlands is number two of all European countries that uses the most amount of pesticides per hectare. Bad for the bees, other animals but also the quality of our water. You can contribute by planting bee mix seeds in your garden or on empty spots in your area to help the bees. We have expanded our standard range of growth paper for this.
You can send our postcards with organic bee mix or give away the growth paper butterfly bombs. Together we make the world a better place :-)
We are very happy with our collaboration with Karin Stevens from Dakini. You may know Dakini from fairs or the website and has a large collection of special items that are personally selected and imported by Karin. Her products come from Nepal and Thailand and are purchased for a fair price. Dakini will now continue as a wholesaler and all products will be sold exclusively through our webshop. To celebrate our collaboration, Dakini is giving our customers cheerful Indian bangle bracelets as a gift this month. The bracelets are made of glass, with or without colored stones and in different colors. A summery jingle on your wrist.
Kind regards,
Miranda & Harald