Barbosa Fair Trade
Barbosa Fair Trade is an organization through the National Association of World, Dachverband (Germany) and the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) and has been approved as an importer of fair trade goods from Latin America.
Barbosa Fair Trade imports handcrafted products from Brazil, Bolivia, Guatemala, Peru and Ecuador. Barbosa buys Fair Trade products in accordance with the principles of fair trade. When producing the products there is absolutely no child labor and the production is funded.
By importing goods Barbosa promotes local employment. The profits will be paid to school institutions and employment projects. In addition, producers are assisted with product development and operations.
Barbosa Fair Trade aims to promote fair trading in Latin American with fair-trade products, by building a long and continuous relationship with its producers. Producers receive a fair wage, which they can provide to local standards in their own livelihood.
Barbosa Fair Trade mainly works with producers who work on a small scale.