Meditation and relaxation

Enjoy the last nice weather before autumn starts. A good moment to reflect and pick up your meditation again or start it, We have new meditation CDs, specially imported from Nepal and only available from us. You really feel like you are in a monastery with this music.
In addition, all EKO shiatsu and meditation mats and cushions, but also the yoga mat of the brand Love Generation are on offer. All these products are made of organic materials and of very good quality.
There is also room on our Feel Good days if you don't like to meditate alone or if you want to get acquainted with it. We organize these events together with Radiance Energy Healing and you go home with a good feeling and a goodie bag.
Finally, there is a new stock of tea from the English Tea Shop. If you are a bad sleeper or can't concentrate well during your meditation, then the Sleepy Me tea is highly recommended. Keep it away from your cats, they will run away with it :-)
Kind regards,
Miranda & Harald
Our products are Fair Trade, organic, sustainable, natural, recycled or for a good cause. Part of our proceeds goes to the World Wildlife Fund and Terre des Hommes Netherlands . We are also a savings partner of the Goodclub and for every €10 spent you will receive a GoodCoin as a gift. Together we make the world a better place!